Post Secondary Help
Post Secondary Help
Lockerby’s College and University Visits
- Many Ontario universities and colleges will be visiting Lockerby. To see what schools will be visiting, keep checking the news section on our website.
- Under the header of Guidance, valuable information is available to help with post secondary planning.
- Review the calendar and alert your classroom teacher in advance you will be attending a session. If there is a test during the session you want to attend, alert Guidance staff and the literature will be saved for you. Signup sheets are available in Guidance.
Applying to College – Visit
Most college programs consist of a package of courses that will train you for a very specific area of employment. There are over 500 programs that are available through the 28 Ontario Colleges
- There is a $95.00 application fee for a maximum selection of 5 program choices with no more than three program choices at any one college.
****Effective Saturday, April 30, 2022, the college application processing fee will be adjusted from $95 to $110, marking the first such update since 2008. Individuals with open applications will be notified and provided with sufficient time to complete their applications before the change occurs.
If you complete and submit your application before 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 29, the processing fee will be $95. After April 29, the processing fee for your application will be adjusted to $110.
Collaborative Degrees
- Colleges and universities have joined forces to offer a joint degree/diploma program.
- Presently, there are over 70 Collaborative degrees in Ontario.
- 28 of these are found in the nursing profession. For example, students can get a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Ottawa and attend classes at Algonquin University.
University Programs
Research Ontario universities by accessing Ontario Universities’ Info. It is crucial to review this site to find a program, learn about scholarships, residences and other important information. Also, check out Frequently Asked Questions found under the heading of Important Information
- To apply to Ontario Universities, students will register at . To understand how to use this site review “Current Ontario Secondary School Students – OUAC 101 form”. Then check “Browse the university programs”
- To do the actual registration, students will need “pin numbers” and these will be ordered.
- The base application fee, for three university program choices is $150. After this, each additional choice is $50. A student cannot pick more than 3 programs at any one university.
- If a student pays for their program choices using a cheque, it takes two weeks for the universities to process your information. Payment must be completed by credit card, the process takes two business days.
- Counsellors will be working with students the first week in December to register for post secondary programs.
Additional Admission Criteria
Many programs require additional information in order to be considered for admission. This criteria could include evaluation forms, reference forms, autobiographical letter, an interview, an audition, or even a portfolio. For university bound students check eINFO Details section found under the Quick Facts section. It is also common for some college programs to require an exam to assess skills required for the program.
Remember scholarships take a great deal of planning and effort. Check out the list on the school web site, under the header Guidance. Be sure to access the link OSCA it will direct you to a provincial list. If you need a teacher reference, be sure to provide teachers with a summary (use template available in Guidance) of your accomplishments and allow your teachers plenty of time to write a good letter.
Private Career Colleges
Private Career Colleges (PCC) in Ontario must be registered and their programs approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Ensure your program is approved by the Private Career Colleges Act. Visit
- The seven credited schools in Sudbury are: CTS Canadian Career College, Everest College of Business, Technology and Health Care, Grade Learning, Modern College of Hairstyling and Esthetics, , Northern Academy of Transportation and Training, Sudbury College of Hairstyling and Esthetics, and Transportation Training Centres of Canada.
- Fees may seem high but you are finished school faster than many college programs.
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs
An apprenticeship is a hands-on training program for people who want to learn a skilled trade. Approximately 90% of apprenticeship training is provided in the workplace by the employer. The remainder involves classroom instruction on theory which is usually given at a local community college or through another qualified training organization.
- There are 135 Apprenticeship trades in Ontario. They fall into these four sectors- Motive Power, Construction, Industrial, and Services. Programs can take 3-5 years to complete.
- Check out
- There are 50 Red Seal trades that have Interprovincial Standards. See
GAP Year Experience
Some students take a year out between high school and college/university to travel and gain work experience. Gap years are not penalized by colleges/universities. Opportunities to consider are: Go Abroad Fair, AFS Intercultural Canada, Enrichment and Summer Opportunities for Ontario Youth (forum found at the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association web page), International Youth Programs (Canada Department of Foreign Affairs), Katimavik, School Work Abroad Programs (SWAP), and the Canadian – Verge Magazine has listings to choose from.
Returning to Lockerby for a 5th Year
Ontario universities and colleges do not look at a student differently if they choose to return to high school for a fifth year.
If a student is interested in returning, they should let their Guidance counsellor know so they can choose courses in February for the upcoming school year.
American Universities (Source Dr. Josipa Petrunic, Head Researcher for PrepSkills Inc.)
- If a student is planning to apply to an American school they must contact the Guidance Office immediately. The admission process can be elongated, complicated, and obtuse.
- In most cases, a student must have taken their SAT’s or ACT’s if applying to an American school. It is common to write this test more than once. The SAT- Scholastic Assessment Test is a 3 hour test that measures verbal reasoning, mathematical problem solving and essay writing skills. This SAT test measures your potential to learn. Register online at Lockerby’s SAT registration number is 826703. Register at least a month in advance. Test dates are posted in Guidance. The ACT- American College Test is an exam closely tied to high school curriculum. Register online at Lockerby’s ACT # is 826703.
- Students should have completed their SAT’s before the end of semester one. The score needed for an Ivey league school is 2100 out of a possible score of 2400 points in reading, writing and math. Many schools want to see Subject SAT scores. Students must study differently for their SAT’s. Avoid writing your SAT’s during high school exam time.
- 400 of the 5000 American universities use the Common Application form.
- American schools look at all of your academic records.
- It is not unusual to have to spend $48,500 per year. Prices are available in Guidance for America’s Best 50 Colleges (2010) according to
- Only 8% of all applicants get into Harvard.
- Ivey league schools and most top schools do not provide academic scholarships. Sports scholarships can pay up to a maximum of 75% of the fee. Financial aid is possible but interest rates can be harsh. Coaches can play an important role in helping students get into university.