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Register and Apply to Lockerby Composite

Register and Apply to Lockerby Composite

Register and Apply To Lockerby

Student wearing oversized Viking helmet

Grade 8s Applying for STEP (for September 2024)

Program – STEP

Ready to apply?  It has never been easier, just follow the steps below:

Grade 8s Registering at Lockerby (for September 2024)

Program – Traditional/Destreamed

Ready to register?  It has never been easier, just follow the steps below:

Traditional Programming/Destreamed Registrants:

  • There are no academic prerequisites for this program
  • Students living in Lockerby Composite School’s catchment area are automatically registered at our school – students can remain in our school’s traditional programming or they can apply to STEP

Interested in shadowing a Viking for the day?  Please contact Mrs. Beaudry to book your visit!

Grade 9s - 12s Registering/Applying at Lockerby (for September 2024)

Ready to apply or register?  It has never been easier, just follow the steps below:

  1. Complete the RDSB Secondary Registration Form (REG-02)
  2. If applying to STEP, please check Science Technology Education Program box (in Education Section of second page on REG-02 form)
  3. Photocopy, scan, and/or forward a copy of your current Report Cards for all semesters/terms (and Credit Counselling Course Summary from your current school)
  4. Drop-off, and/or scan & email all of the completed forms and all Report Cards – please send any and all emails to [email protected]


If registering/applying as a newcomer, the following documentation is also required for submission:

  1. Complete the RDSB Citizenship/Immigration Information Form (REG-04)
  2. Provide a a copy (where applicable) of Permanent Residence
  3. Provide a copy (where applicable) of Parent’s and Student’s Study Permit in addition to the Letter of Acceptance
  4. Provide a copy (where applicable) of Parent’s Work Permit and/or Guardianship
  5. Provide a copy (where applicable) of Canadian Stamped Date of Entry on Passport