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News & Events

News & Events

Message from Rainbow District School Board

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Although we are planning for schools to re-open Monday, January 4, 2021, should the return to in person learning be delayed, learning will continue remotely when classes resume.

If your child is currently learning in person, please complete the survey at the following link by Tuesday, December 22, 2020.  Please complete one survey per child.

Grade 9 to 12:

Given that the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve rapidly, we have asked students to please bring home any materials they may require for remote learning before leaving school for the holidays.

Should the Ministry of Education and/or Public Health Sudbury delay the re-opening of schools for in person learning, we will communicate with parents/guardians through the media, and school communication channels.

On behalf of our schools, we would like to thank students and families for following health and safety protocols to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Let’s continue to choose our actions weirdly over the holidays to make the return to school as safe as possible.  Please visit for resources.

Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.

Happy Holidays!